Banner image| Team Coaching | 7 Key factors of A High-Performance Team

7 Key factors of A High Performance Team

The challenges facing companies today with the new normal include implementing a new approach to manage the organization, teams and people to deliver value to all stakeholders.

The changes have been evident; today we experience a greater cross-functional collaboration between areas bringing together their knowledge and expertise to succeed. Cross-cultural teams that transcend cultures and geographies, are also common now and able to achieve more effective results that impact the entire value chain.

Of course, this reality poses more challenges in terms of managing diversity, inclusion, and harmonizing different work styles and concepts. However, if all factors are properly managed the result is extraordinary.

On the other hand, ways of working have evolved with an emphasis on home office or hybrid working forms (in-person and remote). The digital environment has become more prominent coupled with market changes that have forced companies to look for new technologies and methodologies, to modify products, processes and more prominently change mindsets.

With all of these scenarios in mind, it is necessary to focus on teams again. Starting from the fact that there is no unified formula for success that applies to all teams, since each one has its own particularities and characteristics. However, we at Euro Business Coach believe that there are 7 key areas to be worked on by teams, to deliver valuable results to clients, regardless of their sector or company.

Diagram| 7 key factors of hight performaning TEAMS

Define the team’s purpose, values, vision and shared objectives that inspire commitment and connection. This is essential in order to achieve a collective commitment necessary to fulfil any and all objectives.

Shared Purpose| High performance Teams

Generate focus by establishing clear, specific, realistic objectives with a defined timeframe taking into consideration new scenarios, the customer and market needs. Define a performance measurement system, as well as permanent monitoring sessions.

Clear Objectives | High performance Teams


Taking into account technologic advances are always evolving, we need to embrace the new technologies and integrate them into organizations. In order to accomplish this, we must acquire and implement the necessary digital tools that best suit the company goals and boost competitive advantage. The agile methodology has a lot of benefits as well as the collaborative software.

Digitalization | High performance Team

Once the team members have been carefully defined, self-management should be encouraged, with a small, flexible structure where roles are defined and adjusted according to circumstances.

Internal Organization | High performance Teams

The team must operate on the basis of trust, security, cohesion, inclusion, honesty and support among its members. A collaborative environment should be fostered where team members know each other well and can handle conflicts constructively. The team must also be contained by a company culture that supports and motivates it to achieve objectives.

Trust | High performance Teams

Communication must be timely and fluid. Dialogues should be encouraged, different opinions valued and the decision-making process should be transparent. The team leader must be available, know each team member and listen actively and empathetically to become a cohesive example.


Promote and develop innovation within the teams is a must. Inspiring high performance, quality, agility and providing value to customers is a challenge faced within the teams and organizations today that will mark the difference in the near future.

Innovation | High performance Teams

Lastly, leading change processes in the team(s) and the organization require high levels of interdependence and motivation to sustain performance over time. Developing and strengthening soft skills is another component of change process. Some of these skills include the following:  communication, empathy, learning speed, adaptable to change, creativity, initiative and effective decision-making among others.

If it helps your team or if you consider this information useful, I invite you to share it and leave us your comments.

If you want or need support in order to take your team to the next level, at Euro Business Coach we will be happy to accompany you in this journey.  Contact us via email at:

How can we help you?

banner image |Key Success Factors of 7 Businesses
Claudia Nieto Licht


The success factors of the 7 companies that I have presented in the framework of Evaristo Piedrahita’s initiative #hablemosbiendelasempresas #hablemosbiendelosempresarios are summarized in this article.

Additionally, we have posted the links to the videos that we created of these 7 companies in our social media. These businesses come from sectors such as: technology, gastronomy, agriculture, livestock, manufacturing, health and consulting.

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Banner | 7 benefits of how coaching culture directly impacts organizations
Claudia Nieto Licht

7 benefits of how coaching culture directly impacts organizations

We are living great changes in the world of work. Today more than ever the coaching culture, characterized by collaboration, interdependence, high performance, agility, transparency, communication have become requirements for success.
In this post you will find how coaching impacts not only the climate but also the organizational culture and 7 benefits of having a coaching culture in your company.

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OKR| banner |Euro Business Coach
Claudia Nieto Licht

OKR: Objectives and Key Results

Objectives and Key Results (OKR) is a powerful thinking framework and collaborative management methodology for setting objectives in companies, teams and individuals.
The goal is to ensure that everyone is moving in the same direction, with clear priorities, at a constant pace, channeling efforts, assuring coordination and connecting different areas.
OKR provides common purpose and unity across the organization.
It creates accountability with autonomy, improves productivity as well as innovation in a more agile and complex work context.

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Banner image| Team Coaching | 7 Key factors of A High-Performance Team
Team Coaching
Claudia Nieto Licht

7 Key factors of A High Performance Team

Agility, flexibility, adaptation, and prompt response constitute as competitive advantages, in this new reality, not only for organizations but also for teams. Today effective teamwork matters more than ever.

Empowered teams, especially those that have achieved a high level of self-organization might be more likely to obtain high results.

At Euro Business Coach we believe that there are 7 key areas teams should focus on, in order to deliver valuable results to clients regardless of their sector or company.

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